Lost & Found

The Dogs’ Refuge Home acts as a pound facility for dogs that are found or picked by a ranger in the following council areas:

  • Town of Cambridge
  • Town of Cottesloe
  • Town of Mosman Park
  • Town of East Fremantle
  • City of Subiaco

When a dog is impounded through one of the above councils, the dog will be transferred to the Dogs’ Refuge Home at 30 Lemnos Street, Shenton Park where he/she can be reclaimed providing the following requirements are met:

  • Owner provides personal identification
  • Proof of ownership
  • Dog has been microchipped and registered to the council the dog resides in
  • The council’s impoundment fees have been paid

Lost dogs can be collected between 11am – 3pm 7-days-a-week. All dogs are well cared for during their impoundment with us. Should a dog remain unclaimed at the end of the council’s holding period, ownership of the dog transfers to the Home and the dog is made available for adoption.
To find out more about the terms and regulations for each council above, please visit their websites at:

I’ve Lost My Dog, What Do I Do?

The first thing to do is to contact the local council in which your dog went missing – chances are if someone finds your dog, they are likely to contact that council.

Post a current photo to the Pets of Perth Lost and Found – Facebook Page
AND the Lost and Found Pets in Perth Facebook Page

Don’t forget to include the last known location of your dog, the breed, gender and your contact details.

You can also create a FREE listing with Lost Pet Finder via https://lostpetfinders.com.au/

After you have created your listing, the website generates a printable lost and found poster.

I’ve Found a Dog, What Do I Do?

If you have found a dog it is important you do not approach the dog if he/she is showing signs of fear or aggression. Contact the local council in which you found the dog so they can collect and check for a microchip and try to locate the owners.

If you are able to approach and secure the dog, drive it to the closest open vet surgery and ask the vet to scan the microchip for ownership details. The dog may also be known to the vet or the vet may be able to securely hold the dog for the ranger or owner to collect.

If you’re able to take a photo of the dog, please post to the
Pets of Perth Lost and Found – Facebook Page
AND the Lost and Found Pets in Perth Facebook Page

Don’t forget to include the last known location of the dog, the breed and gender and that the local council has been rung to collect the dog. If you are unable to get a photo of the dog, please post a description of the dogs’ physical appearance along with the details above.

You can also create a FREE listing with Lost Pet Finder via https://lostpetfinders.com.au

PLEASE NOTE: You should never hand over a lost dog to anyone without PROOF OF OWNERSHIP. It is always safest to contact your local ranger so they can go through the proper reclaims process.

Please refrain from removing a dog from the council/ area in which you found it. If you do not live in that local council area, do not take the dog home unless you are prepared to drop it back to Ranger Services when they open. If you remove a dog from its home council or the area you found it, it can make it more difficult for the dog to be reunited with their owner.

The Dogs’ Refuge Home cannot accept lost dogs who are found in locations other than those listed above.