If you’re a dog lover who believes that all dogs should live in a safe and loving home and want to help ensure every unwanted, lost or abused dog can be rescued and re-homed, then you’re probably already one of us!
Why not join our team and become a Member?
As a Member you are entitled to attend and vote at our Annual General Meeting generally held in October. You may also nominate to be considered for the Board and can also join and participate on our various Board sub-committees.
As a Member you will be kept abreast of our activities and will sent our twice yearly newsletter Chinwags in May and November and be provided with a copy of our Annual Report. As a Member you are always welcome to meet with our President or General Manager and communicate directly with the Board. Other benefits may also apply to your membership from time to time, but primarily your membership lets you be a voice for the dogs.
To become a Member of the Dogs’ Refuge Home of WA (Inc) you are required to be at least 18 years of age and will need to complete and sign a written application. All Membership applications are provided to and approved by our Board under the terms of our Constitution.
A small annual membership fee is payable with renewal on the 1st of July. This fee is currently $40 per year.